Episode 12 - Do I Really Need a Business Plan?

Hello there, Small Business owners, entrepreneurs, and community! Welcome to Episode 12, of Web and BeyondCast. This episode is part of our new Business Startup Series on Web and BeyondCast, where we’ll discuss issues specifically related to small business startup and management issues. To do that, I’ll be bringing on startup experts from around the world to discuss issues that are pertinent to startup entrepreneurs.

(If you’re reading this in a podcast directory/app, please visit http://webandbeyondcast.com/012 for clickable links and the full show notes and transcript of this cast.)

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As an SBDC consultant, I hear clients ask the question all the time, do I really need a business plan? And, the answer is always the same: yes. But, many resist for all kinds of reasons. They don’t understand what a business plan is and how it’s constructed, they’re concerned it’s going to take too much time (instead of simply getting started on it), and they believe it’s a do-it-and-done document you never look at again. All of these things couldn’t be further from the truth, albeit a business plan will take the time it takes to assemble. Thankfully, there are SBDCs and experts, like my guest today, who can demystify and help you with building your startup business plan!

If you’d like to discuss this episode, please click here to leave a comment down below (this jumps you to the bottom of the post), or feel free to contact me here about any other questions or comments.

In this Cast

Ray Sidney-Smith, Host

Robin Suomi, MBA, is an experienced small business expert and founder of Startup to Growth, LLC.  Working with clients remotely through video meeting platforms, she helps clients answer their technical business planning questions. She also encourages them to dig deeper, dream bigger, and works with them to create their Success Steps!  Check out the website for ongoing How to Start a Business and Business Plan Boot Camp workshops and seminars, as well as 1-1 small business coaching and group coaching, including QuickStart Mastermind and Growth Mastermind groups.

Show Notes

Resources we mention, including links to them will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context.

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Runner-Up: SBA Business Plan tool

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Raw Text Transcript

Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases.

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012 Do I Really Need a Business Plan?

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